Monster Chapter 17 Summary : A Past Erased
In Verden, Otto Heckel breaks into the home of Councilman Springer, who, along with his wife, has recently been murdered. As he rummages through the house, Tenma suddenly appears, pointing a gun at him. The tension is palpable, and as they stand in a standoff, the sound of a police siren causes both men to panic, forcing them to flee the Springers’ residence.
Heckel, recognizing Tenma from the news, reveals that he knows Tenma is wanted for the Springers’ murder. However, he insists that he knows the real killer and offers to help Tenma clear his name. Despite this offer, Heckel also warns Tenma that he may be walking into a dangerous situation, but Tenma refuses to simply call the police and insists on confronting the killer himself.
Heckel leads Tenma to the apartment of the Springers’ murderer, where Tenma finds the killer. The murderer, calm and composed, greets Tenma and coldly explains that he killed the Springers because Johan had asked him to. In a final, chilling act, the murderer takes his own life, leaving behind a disturbing message: Before his death, he tells Tenma that Johan has left a message for him in the Springers’ house.
As the killer succumbs to his actions, Tenma is left alone with the heavy weight of his past decisions and the terrifying shadow of Johan looming larger than ever.
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